
11890 SW 8th Street. Suite 301. Miami, FL 33184.

Facial Aesthetic Medicine


With PRP

Microneedling with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).

The microneedling treatment with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is an aesthetic procedure used mainly to fight the signs of aging. It is performed to treat acne, age spots and wrinkles, acne scars, and other forms of hyperpigmentation. This treatment uses a technique that allows greater penetration of platelets into the skin.

Benefits of Miicroneedling treatment with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma):

  • Improve luminosity, texture, spots and wrinkles,
  • Reduces acne scars and marks.
  • Reduces scars and stretch marks.
  • It allows to improve the quality and thickness of the skin.
  • Increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

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Mujer recibiendo tratamiento microneedling con_plasma rico en plaquetas.


What is Microneedling treatment with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).

This technique consists of a first extraction of the patient’s own blood from which the platelet-rich plasma and growth factors are extracted.

Once the plasma is obtained, it is introduced into the area to be treated, through a series of small punctures that are made with the Dermapen that contains very small microneedles.

What is PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)?

Platelet Rich Plasma is a substance obtained from the patient’s own blood. The platelets that are extracted from the blood are those that allow the release of growth factors, stimulate cell regeneration and produce new tissue.

Does the treatment with the Dermapen hurt?

Currently, the devices are really accurate. With them the depth of penetration of the needles is controlled and a painless treatment is achieved.

Contraindications of treatment with PRP.

We can say that since the treatment uses the patient’s own blood, it must be performed by medical professionals in appropriate facilities. Thus, it does not entail significant risks or side effects.

It would not be the best option for you if:

  • You are pregnant.
  • You have active acne, resulting in new scars.
  • You have facial eczema or rosacea.
  • History of poor wound healing.
  • You have had skin radiation in the past 12 months.

How many sessions would I need?

The number of sessions vary according to the needs of each patient. Although generally three sessions are recommended with a month break between one and the other. To maintain the results, it is necessary to resume the sessions every 6 or 12 months.

When we can see the resultes?

The results begin to be seen from the first session, although the final ones are only noticeable after 30 days.

Possible side effects.

The most common side effects can be bruising and inflammation, including swelling and redness.

Sun exposure should be avoided and it is important not to rub or scratch your face. Sun protection will also be important.

Care after treatment.

Avoid activities that can cause excessive sweating such as running, playing tennis and vigorous training. Sweat can cause additional irritation, and vigorous activities can increase the risk of swelling or bruising. This should be avoided for at least 72 hours after the procedure.
Manos de doctor con guantes azules y jeringa en la mano haciendo tratamiento de hilos tensores en rostro de mujer.

Before and After Microneedling con PRP.

Antes y después Microneedling PRP
Antes y después Microneedling PRP

Request your Free Consultation

Personalized consultation with Dr. Díaz MD.

11890 SW 8th Street. Suite 301. Miami, FL 33184

Call Now: 786.254.7195